We are here to answer any questions you may have about Special Needs.
In-home Infant Development

Keany Associates Brite Kids In-home Infant Development Program provides 1:1 play-based services for children birth to 36 months old who are at risk or have developmental delays.
These family-centered services take place in the child’s natural environments (e.g., home, park, daycare) and help to strengthen his/her development in the six developmental domains (cognitive, communication, gross motor, fine motor, social-emotional and adaptive/self-help) by incorporating techniques and interventions from a variety of relationship and play-based theories such as Stanley Greenspan's Floortime Model.
We believe in collaborating with other professionals on the client's therapeutic team, including occupational therapists, speech language pathologists and physical therapists, in order to provide the best support possible.
The Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) curriculum-based assessment tool will be used when creating goals and tailoring developmentally-appropriate interventions to meet the specific needs of each child.
The team at Brite Kids receives regular on and off-site supervision and attends trainings throughout the year to ensure that they are knowledgeable about current best practices.
Additionally, the team at Brite Kids is trained to assist parents/caregivers with setting limits and being consistent, creating and implementing visual schedules, social stories and transitioning their child into a preschool program.
We look forward to working with you.

Phone: 310.695.6700
Fax: 310.695.6580